Thursday, September 6, 2012

Honey yogurt layered with sweet chestnut purée and cherry jam

This is a light and super quick desert, that doesn’t require any baking or cooking. At first, I threw it together from leftovers that I layered in a glass, so this desert it is quite random, but as it turned out great, I continued to make this since.

Ingredients (per serving)

1 cup of plain yogurt
1 tablespoon of vanilla flavored sugar
2 tablespoons of honey
3 tablespoons of sour cherry jam (our any kind of jam, best if home made)
30 g (1oz) of sweet frozen chestnut purée, grated
chocolate topping (optional)


Take one plain glass per person. Put two tablespoons of sour cherry jam at the bottom of each glass. I used a jam that I have made myself, that has almost whole fruits in it, but I guess any type of jam would do, as long as it is not too jellied. Mix the honey and the vanilla flavored sugar in the yogurt, and pour half of the cup in the glass. Grate the sweet chestnut purée with a cheese grater finely, and add on the top of the yogurt layer. If you have only canned chestnut purée, push it through a potato masher, or something that will give it  a spaghetti-like form. Add the other half of the yogurt, and top it with another tablespoon of jam. I decorated with chocolate topping, because I happened to have some at home, but you can leave it out. 


  1. This looks delicious Zeeona. Refreshing for such a warm day like today:)

    Thank you so much for sharing...

    Thanks for finding me on Pinterest too:)

  2. I love the unexpected twist of Chestnuts in this--YUM!

  3. This looks fantastic :) I love how impressive it looks for something quite quick to put together.

  4. Delightful!! What a lovely way to use chestnut puree !

  5. This is such an interesting combination of flavors! A great way to use chestnut puree.
